Plan your family trip to the Balzac Museum

The Balzac Museum has signed the Môm'Art charter! We're proud to join the "musées joyeux" family-friendly museums!

Mistigris at Château de Saché © drawing by Camille Carreau, 2022.


Unaccompanied tour


"Mistigris" CARD

The Balzac Museum provides a card in english with fun-filled trail for children (4-12 years old) to discover the interiors of the museum (card included in admission fee - available in French and English).

>> Download the card in english of kids (PDF, 450 Ko)


Family events

There are lots of children's activities over half-term: sculpture workshops, printing workshops, music workshops, Mistigris tales etc. Please see the schedule to see what's on when you plan to visit (only in French).

Balzac Museum sculpture workshop.


Carreau, I. Lamy, Mistigris et Monsieur de Balzac, published by les mille univers, 2018.

Children's ressources

Give little ones (4-7 years old) an insight into Balzac's world with Mistigris et Monsieur de Balzac (Camille Carreau, Isabelle Lamy, published by les mille univers, Les belles histoires du père Casserole collection, 2018, 32 pages, 14.30 €). It brings Madame Vauquer's little cat to Château de Saché when Balzac was here to write Father Goriot (available to buy at the Balzac Museum gift shop and any bookshop. In French).

The Balzac Museum has created different resources to provide a playful introduction to Balzac's work and explore Château de Saché with children: "Where is Mistigris?" virtual tour or short family-friendly videos about Balzac, his work and Saché available for free on our Youtube channel.